
Prevention and Remedies

Lead prevention laws in St. Louis, and in the State of Missouri as a whole, do little to protect St. Louis' children from lead-based paint exposure. Although the state requires children under the age of six to be tested for elevated blood-lead levels on an annual basis, only about half get tested each year. Day cares are supposed to be confirm they were tested lead-safe before a child enrolls, but there is lax enforcement of the rule. Finally, the Heavy Metal Project, which provided lead testing and abatement in the homes of pregnant women in St. Louis, ended prematurely, leaving a large housing stock that was built before 1978 and still contain lead hazards.

Although St. Louis lacks robust lead prevention laws, residents can still take steps on their own to minimize their children's exposure to lead-based paint. Parents must be vigilant and inspect their homes for any evidence of chipping, peeling, or defective paint. Whenever paint defects are found, parents should report the problem to their landlords immediately and bring their child for blood-lead testing. If even low amounts of lead are detected in the blood, parents should repeat the testing on a monthly basis to ensure that levels do not go up. Finally, parents can call their local health department and request an inspection of their home, even if a child's blood-lead level does not cross the threshold that automatically triggers an inspection.

If lead is found in your home, and your landlord did not take steps to fix the problem before your child has a detectable blood-lead level, your landlord is responsible for that harm. Childhood lead poisoning causes devastating effects that can last a lifetime, such as cognitive deficits and anemia. An experienced lead poisoning attorney can help your child get the compensation he or she needs to overcome those devastating and permanent effects. The lead poisoning attorneys at Levy Konigsberg LLP have won over $100 million in verdicts and settlements on behalf of lead poisoned children across the country. Contact one of our experienced attorneys today to see if you have a case.

If your child has tested positive for lead poisoning, contact our experienced lead poisoning lawyers today. Just fill out the website form on this page or call 1-866-988-8005.

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